Wednesday, June 17, 2020

100 Days of Github. Take 2 Spillover, Day 61

Day 61

Suppose I want to generate random numbers that are drawn from a discrete power-law distribution. This is how I'll do it.
Again, if the github link doesn't work, click here.
Note that I need to finish notes for this notebook...

100 Days of Github. Take 2 Spillover, Day 60

Day 60

Some preliminary notes for the continuous power-law distribution, here.
Note: for some reason, some of the equations aren't rendering in when viewing the notebook directly form github.

Monday, June 15, 2020

100 Days of Github. Take 2 Spillover, Day 59

Day 59

Suppose I want to generate random numbers that are drawn from a continuous power-law distribution. How do I do that? This is how.
(If the earlier link doesn't work, click here.)