Sunday, September 29, 2019

100 Days of Github. Take 2, Day 15.

Day 15

I have been wanting to write notes on comparing floats in numerical methods. This is just the starting of my notes. I will update this slowly...
Uploads remaining: 85
Days remaining: 94
Ideal rate of uploads: 1 upload per 1.11 days.
Again, あああああ!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

100 Days of Github. Take 2, Day 14.

Day 14

For some work  related code, I had to convert a python list as follows:
["a", "b", "c", "d"] --> ["a", "bc", "d"]
Basically, I had to merge two elements of the list.
I found an answer here.
And here is my github entry.
Uploads remaining: 86
Days remaining: 97
Ideal rate of uploads: 1 upload per 1.13 days.

Friday, September 20, 2019

100 Days of Github. Take 2, Day 13.

Day 13

I found this on YouTube. It's a cool visualization of eigenvectors/eigenvalues. I had to add it my repository of codes:
Uploads remaining: 87
Days remaining: 102
Ideal rate of uploads: 1 upload per 1.17 days.
(Faster, faster! はやく、はやく!)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

100 Days of Github. Take 2, Day 12.

Day 12

I found a tutorial for matplotlib plotting here. There was a very cool partitioned plot that I might find useful in the future. So here it is:

You are welcome, future me! :P

Uploads remaining: 88
Days remaining: 105
Ideal rate of uploads: 1 upload per 1.19 days.
(Oh snap! Need to speed up!)