Thursday, December 26, 2019


These musings should be revisited and revised, regularly.

2019-Dec-26, Thursday
How important are schools/colleges/universities/institutes of higher learning in imparting education?
But first, what is an education? What is learning?
Is it possible to practically disentangle teachers from institutions of education (examples above)?

Monday, December 23, 2019

100 Days of Github. Take 2. Update.

You might have noticed that I did not put  the "day left" etc metrics at the end of my last post. It's because I am exhausted. This 100 days of github challenge has been tough. And it is clear I will not be able to finish it. 54 posts in 10 days? No, not happening. As usual, I bit off more than I could chew.

I forgot that my work and just plain ol' life might get in the way of github-ing. Also, my incessant need to "if not perfect, then nothing" attitude didn't help, although I admit this exercise helped me get out of this toxic mentality.

So, finally: I will not be able to finish 100 github posts in 2019, but I am not going to stop this 100 days of github challenge. I will just be a little easy on myself, and not have this constant nagging in my head. Look out of spillovers in 2020. And hopefully, I'll just continue github-ing something or the other after that.

See you in a bit.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

100 Days of Github. Take 2, Day 46

Day 46

Animating a billiards ball rolling around on a billiards table.
Github link here and nbviewer link here. (Nbviewer link preferred.)

This one took a while for my brain to figure out, because I wasn't thinking clearly about the ODEs. A very "d-oh" moment.

A point to note is that along with MyEps, the time step of the ODE solver plays an important role in determining how fuzzy the wall will be.

Another point to note is that the ODE solver I have used here is the very modest Euler method, because the ODE RHS function is linear in the variables, and so I don't need a higher order solver.

Note the lack of metrics here.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

100 Days of Github. Take 2, Day 45

Day 45

Playing around with Delhi temperature time series. Check it our here.

Uploads remaining: 55
Days remaining: 16

Ideal rate of uploads: 1 upload per 0.29 days. Or, 3.4375 uploads/day.

100 Days of Github. Take 2, Day 44

Day 44

Playing around with animating the Lorenz system. You'll understand when you see it.
Github link here. (The animation doesn't render here.)
Nbviewer site link here.

Uploads remaining: 56
Days remaining: 16

Ideal rate of uploads: 1 upload per 0.286 days. Or, 3.5 uploads/day.

100 Days of Github. Take 2, Day 43

Day 43

Animation of mass with attached to a string.
Github link here. (The animation doesn't render here.)
Nbviewer site link here.

Uploads remaining: 57
Days remaining: 16

Ideal rate of uploads: 1 upload per 0.28 days. Or, 3.56 uploads/day.

100 Days of Github. Take 2, Day 42

Day 42

Animation of 2 double pendula. (Yes, the plural of pendulum is pendula.)
They start off with slight difference in initial condition, and because the system is nonlinear, they end up in very different states at the end. Chaos, baby!
Github link here. (The animation doesn't render here.)
Nbviewer site link here.

Uploads remaining: 58
Days remaining: 16

Ideal rate of uploads: 1 upload per 0.28 days. Or, 3.625 uploads/day.
Run, run, run!

Friday, December 13, 2019

100 Days of Github. Take 2, Day 41

Day 41

Animation of simple pendulum with dissipation.
Github link here. (The animation doesn't render here.)
Nbviewer site link here.

Uploads remaining: 59
Days remaining: 18

Ideal rate of uploads: 1 upload per 0.305 days. Or, 3.27 uploads/day.

100 Days of Github. Take 2, Day 40

Day 40

Animation of simple pendulum.
Github link here. (The animation doesn't render here.)
Nbviewer site link here.

Uploads remaining: 60
Days remaining: 18

Ideal rate of uploads: 1 upload per 0.3 days. Or, 3.33 uploads/day.

100 Days of Github. Take 2, Day 39

Day 39

Animation of simple pendulum with small angle approximation.
Github link here. (The animation doesn't render here.)
Nbviewer site link here.

Uploads remaining: 61
Days remaining: 18

Ideal rate of uploads: 1 upload per 0.30 days. Or, 3.39 uploads/day.

100 Days of Github. Take 2, Day 38.

Day 38

I wanted to animate a plot on jupyter notebook for something else. So, here, I'm just playing around with that.

The animation output doesn't seem to pop up on github, so I'm linking to the same thing on the nbviewer site here.

Uploads remaining: 62
Days remaining: 18

Ideal rate of uploads: 1 upload per 0.29 days. Or, 3.44 uploads/day.
Oh wow. Pressure.

Friday, December 6, 2019

100 Days of Github. Take 2, Day 37.

Day 37

I played around with plotting the Mandelbrot set some more. I'm plotting it in colour, based on how long it takes for a particular number to reach unboundedness. Have a look at my notebook.

Uploads remaining: 63
Days remaining: 25

Ideal rate of uploads: 1 upload per 0.40 days. Or, 2.52 uploads/day.
Oh damn, I'm getting anxious now.